Friday, August 17, 2012

Coaches Welcome Letter

Joshua Owl’s Bantam 1
2012 Season

    Welcome to the 2012 Joshua Pee Wee Football Associations Bantam 1 Season. My name is David Briley and I will be your child’s Coach this year.  I am thrilled for the opportunity to work with your child and anticipate a fun season.  I look forward to teaching these children how to play the game safely, how to work together as a team, how to respect one another,  and how to have good sportsmanship.  There is no “I” in team, we work as a team, we win as a team, and we lose as a team.  Winning is not the only thing that matters but it sure does make it fun, however the only way to win is to work hard as a team.  I expect each and every one of my players to give 100% effort in every practice and every game.  Bad sportsmanship WILL NOT be tolerated.

    It is very important that you keep your child hydrated.  Please make sure they are drinking at the least 8 - 8oz glasses of water every day.  The more the better!  Keep them away from the sugary drinks.  Please make sure your child is bringing plenty of water to practices.  I will provide water, Gatorade, and oranges/grapes for each player at every game.      

    I want all players to be at every game at the VERY LEAST  30 minutes prior to kick off.  Please make sure to double check all of their equipment, and they must have it present at every practice and game.  Make sure their equipment fits property and that all equipment is adjusted  prior to the practice/games.  If you cannot get your child to a game, PLEASE call me or one of the Coaches, we can make arrangements to get them there and back.

    I cannot stress enough how important it is to address your problems and concerns away from the children, away from the field, and other parents. Pull me aside after practice/game or call me at home.  I want to hear any and all comments, concerns, ideas, etc. I just want this to be done in a constructive way.  I’d like your children to think of me as a role model, therefore, I will also display the same respect to each of you.      

    You can find a copy of the BVFA (Brazos Valley Football Association) By Laws & Rules by going to their web site at    I encourage all of you to review these By Laws & Rules.  You can also find contact information for the 2012 Officers on this site. There is a listing of the Joshua Pee Wee Football Association Board Members and their contact information on the following web site .   We also have a Blog for our team, which has lots of useful information, please check it out at             

    This seasons game schedule will not be available until the week of August 19, 2012.  I hope to have information on the Homecoming Parade at this time as well. As soon as I have this information I will forward it to you.  I am looking forward to a great season!!!

                            Thank You,
                            David Briley         
                            (817) 988-8571

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